Our Commitment
As Kaseyans, we all love the local communities we live and work in – whether it be Miami, Sydney, Dundalk or Bangalore – and we are constantly looking for ways to give back. See some of the ways we’re investing in our communities around the world and learn more about the specific initiatives we support to drive long-term change.
Kaseya Cares
Kaseya Cares is Kaseya’s award-winning emergency response program. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaseya Cares provided over $10 million in direct financial assistance as well as government relief navigation and business guidance to MSP customers navigating the coronavirus pandemic. In the years following the onset of the pandemic, we have expanded this program to provide various forms of relief to customers experiencing hardship onset by natural disasters, ransomware attacks, and other high-impact events.
Cooper Cares
Kaseya launched its Cooper Cares initiative at our global customer conference in 2022. In conjunction with The Cooper Voccola Family Foundation, Cooper Cares is dedicated to assisting the communities that Kaseya serves with a primary focus on charitable organizations for children, veterans and animals. We recognize the importance of building our communities and strengthening them by providing much needed resources and programs, even when we’re only a part of them for a few days during our global conferences.
Capturing the Power of Community
From disaster relief to education initiatives, see the breadth and depth of Kaseya’s commitment to corporate social responsibility through our community outreach programs.
“Our partners support everything from mission critical businesses like hospitals, pharmacies, grocery stores, and educational institutions to small businesses that can’t afford to shut down. Getting their technology functional again after a disaster is the best way Kaseya, through our Kaseya Cares program and the Disaster Response Team, can immediately help those in need.”
The Kaseya Disaster Response Team (DRT)
The Kaseya Disaster Response Team (DRT) supports partners in times when disaster strikes. While our product and support teams provide direct assistance to customers every day, sometimes more help is needed. Within the DRT, we communicate daily about the status of the disaster, our response and decision-making protocols moving forward. If needed, we have truck we can deploy in the United States to reach our customers on the ground.
In 2022, for example, the DRT helped our partners and the communities affected by Hurricane Ian in Florida by delivering support on the ground through an eight-person team.
“A special word of thanks and much praise to the Kaseya Disaster Response Team (DRT) for saving the day. Both our internet feeds were offline due to infrastructure damage caused by Hurricane Ian. The DRT team pulled into our driveway and had us online within minutes via one of their DNA devices.”