Kaseya CORE Program and Eligibility Requirements

Effective as of October 29, 2024

The CORE Program is designed to provide eligible government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit organizations with access to special configurations, terms and/or pricing for certain Kaseya Products. This document outlines the CORE Program, eligibility requirements, and procurement procedures applicable to Kaseya customers seeking to participate in the Kaseya CORE Program. 

Kaseya may update the CORE Program (including modifications to benefits and eligibility requirements) or discontinue the CORE Program in its entirety at any time in its discretion. Such modifications (or discontinuation) will apply to new purchases and renewals of Subscriptions made after the update, and in such cases, CORE pricing, configurations or other terms may no longer be available to a customer.  The CORE Program cannot be applied to a Subscription mid-commitment; a Subscription or other purchase will be included in the CORE Program only when a new Order is signed for such purchase.   

Eligibility Requirements

Kaseya offers CORE Program discounts and tailored Product packages for select organizational structures on new Orders of eligible Products and Services. To participate in the CORE Program, your organization must be structured and recognized as one of the following:

State or Local Government Organizations

Defined as political entities that are part of the United States government structure. Local government organizations include counties and municipalities, which are further divided into cities, towns, boroughs, villages, and townships that are created by state statute and operate for public purposes. 

Federally Recognized Tribal Entities Performing Governmental Functions

Defined as an American Indian or Alaska Native tribal entity that is recognized as having a government-to-government relationship with the United States, with the responsibilities, powers, limitations, and obligations attached to that designation, and is eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Furthermore, federally recognized tribes are recognized as possessing certain inherent rights of self-government (i.e., tribal sovereignty) and are entitled to receive certain federal benefits, services, and protections because of their special relationship with the United States.  At present, there are 574 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages.

Accredited Educational Institutions

Defined as an accredited institution organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of teaching its enrolled students. An accredited institution includes public or private K-12 schools, vocational schools, correspondence schools, charter schools, public, private, or community colleges and/or universities, or scientific or technical schools that is either institutionally accredited by an accrediting agency nationally recognized by the United States Secretary of Education or, in the case of public K-12 institutions only, recognized or approved by the Department of Education of the State in which it is located. 

Public Education Administrative Offices or Boards of Education

Defined as (i) district, regional and state administrative offices of public Educational Institutions, (ii) administrative entities, controlled by, and organized and operated exclusively for the administration of, private Educational Institutions, or (iii) other state or local government entities for which the vast majority of their activities consist of administrative support that advances academic learning, for public Educational Institutions.

Nonprofit Organizations

Defined as a legal entity that is organized for charitable, educational, scientific, religious, literary, health, or animal welfare purposes and operates to provide a benefit to society rather than to make a profit. Such organization must be recognized legal status in their respective country (equal to 501(c)(3) under the United States Internal Revenue Code

Eligibility Verification 

If you purchase from Kaseya through the CORE Program, you are making a representation that you meet the CORE Program eligibility requirements. Decisions made by Kaseya regarding eligibility are final and binding.  Kaseya has the right to verify your eligibility and status using any reasonable means and, by making a purchase under the CORE Program, you agree to provide all reasonable cooperation to Kaseya with respect to such efforts. Should you fail to promptly provide requested information or documentation, or if the requirements are not met in Kaseya’s reasonable determination, Kaseya has the right to: (i) suspend or terminate the affected Subscriptions; (ii) charge you the non-discounted pricing going forward, and/or: (iii) require repayment of the difference between discounted and non-discounted pricing for past Products or Services.