Why Don’t More MSPs Have Podcasts Today?

Are you thinking about starting a podcast? You’re not the only one. You probably encounter people every week who consider starting one. Unfortunately for them, they never get around to it since the most significant barrier to starting a podcast is time. However, here’s what most people don’t understand — the investment is worth it.

Podcasts are an excellent way for managed services providers (MSPs) to share information and acquire new business. A podcast allows you to communicate your message while educating your target audience.

Doesn’t everybody have a podcast?

It may seem like everybody you know has a podcast, but that’s not the case. It’s true that there are plenty of podcasts out there. In fact, there are about 5.5 million podcasts today, according to The Podcast Index’s database. However, even though that number seems large and continues to grow, there are still plenty of opportunities for MSPs looking to break into podcasting. You need to think a little bit differently about the content you put out and the audience you’re delivering it to at the end of the day.

What should you talk about?

Figuring out what you want to talk about on your podcast takes time, but don’t overthink it. Your topic doesn’t need to be 100% original to attract an audience. In all honesty, it probably won’t be, and that’s okay. Here’s something to think about: You’re what makes your podcast different than other podcasts in the market. Nobody else speaks or has the same outlook as you. YOU are what will make your podcast unique.  

Also, many MSPs don’t realize that they don’t need to “talk tech” on their podcasts. Think about this: Are you pitching a tech offering or a business solution when you’re selling? Your target audience isn’t a tech crowd. They’re not going to listen to a podcast to learn more about the NIST Cybersecurity Framework or cybersecurity awareness training.  

Instead, talk about what matters to them. For instance, you may want to invite local leaders on your podcast to discuss local issues in your community. Now, you may think, “isn’t that too niche?” You’re right, and that’s the point! You’re not competing with the 5.5 million podcasts today. You’re targeting potential customers — and that market is a lot smaller.  

Can you generate leads from a podcast?

If you target the right people with suitable topics, you won’t need a large audience to generate leads from your podcast. When you think about it, your prospects are the businesses in your immediate community. Those businesses have customers too, and podcasting can help you reach them.  

Knowing how to work your relationships can improve your lead generation efforts significantly. For instance, let’s say you invite an attorney from a local law firm on your podcast. After that episode goes live, the law firm may share the episode with its followers on social media or distribute it in a monthly newsletter, giving you access to a new pool of potential customers.  

While launching a successful podcast takes time, effort and consistency, there’s plenty of upside for MSPs. So, what’s holding you back if you don’t have a podcast today?  

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