Full IT Project Management Visibility and Collaboration
Get real-time status on any of your IT projects, providing information on how things are progressing, if it is staffed appropriately or if there are any issues, all with the click of a button.
Quickly create new projects by copying an existing project or by using built-in project templates that make the job easy.
Each project provides a complete financial summary of the costs associated with that project.
Supports dependencies between tasks, unique deadlines for each task, and can coordinate the allocation of resources and service calls across multiple projects and tasks.
Kaseya Vorex
See Kaseya Vorex in the Omni IT Workflow Demo Video
Stay on Top of IT Project Management with Kaseya Vorex
Get full visibility so you stay on track, on-time and under budget.
Get web-based access to Vorex IT Project Management anywhere, any time.
Quickly create new projects by copying an existing project or by using a template.
Expenses can be entered into a project. Alternatively, users can enter an expense on an expense-sheet and link it to a project.
Each project provides a complete financial summary of the costs associated with that project. All labor time entries, expenses, and charges applied to a project are tracked by the Finance module for reporting purposes.
Hear From Our Customers
School Choice International Learns that Business Management Can Be Simple with Vorex
Relocating for a job is a complicated process made even more so when an employee has to consider where his or her children will be attending school. School Choice International was founded to ensure that no family would ever have to worry about that process.
Download The Product Brief
Kaseya Vorex - Service Desk and Service Management
Vorex Service Desk enables midsize businesses to easily create, manage and resolve all of their service requests. It works seamlessly with VSA, IT Glue and VoIP systems for more efficient IT operations. Being a key component of Kaseya’s Omni IT Solution, Vorex provides enhanced business intelligence capabilities, visualization and reporting which empower you to make the right decisions for the growth of your company.