Comprehensive Compliance Process Automation
You don’t need to be a compliance expert! Workflow automation guides your team, issues tasks, generates dynamic worksheets, collects the data and produces the documents you need.
Enables collaboration among MSP technicians, client stakeholders, subject-matter experts and external auditors.
Supports industry-specific and government standards based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and ISO-27001. Includes HIPAA, GDPR, CMMC and Cyber Risk Insurance compliance.
Generates standard-specific reports, including “accurate and thorough” risk assessments, management plans, policies and procedures, evidence of compliance and more.
Taking the Pain and Misery Out of Compliance
The process of assessing and maintaining compliance to any standard involves the same five-step process regardless of industry:
- Start with a complete understanding of all the rules that you are expected to follow.
- Establish internal policies and procedures to ensure your organization follows the rules.
- Regularly check and assess whether your organization is following the rules or not.
- Address issues whenever you discover the rules are not being followed.
- Document everything.
Compliance Manager is the first and only purpose-built, role-based compliance process automation platform. It combines a wizard-driven workflow engine, automated network and computer data discovery, a web-based management portal, and built-in compliance document generation and archiving.
A Golden Opportunity for MSPs
Almost every one of your clients will have to comply with at least one set of security or privacy regulations, if not more. The process of achieving and maintaining compliance can be tedious, confusing and downright frustrating.
This is a golden opportunity for your MSP to achieve higher profitability and reduce churn by stepping in to manage the compliance process for your clients.
By connecting Compliance Manager to your client’s network, you can provide:
Most regulations include a list of specific documents – and documentation – that the client must produce and maintain. Compliance Manager either has them built-in or automatically generates them on the fly.
Using a combination of automated network and computer data gathering, as well as responses to built-in online questions, Compliance Manager will discover and report every issue of non-compliance along with a remediation plan to address what it discovers.
Schedule Compliance Manager to run regular, automated network scans, detect any new issues of non-compliance and take corrective action. Everything you do is recorded in the system as evidence of compliance.
In the event of an audit, there’s no need for a mad scramble to gather all documents an auditor might ask for. Compliance Manager continually collects and archives all the evidence of compliance in one place, making it super easy to respond to any query.
Powering You to Greater Profitability
Powered Services Pro for Compliance Manager includes:
Competitively Priced to Make You More Money
All the current Compliance Manager modules are included in your subscription with more being developed and added to the platform on a regular basis.
The base Compliance Manager subscription comes with 10 licenses that can be deployed at your clients’ sites. Once the software is installed at a site, you can “turn on” as many different compliance standards as needed for that site without consuming any additional licenses.
When you are ready to grow your compliance service beyond the initial purchase, you can add them one at a time for a small additional monthly fee. This allows you to scale your subscription incrementally, and profitably, as you roll out your compliance-as-a-service offerings.
Not Just Another Checklist Product
There are many checklist products on the market that provide you with a laundry list of tasks you must perform as well as information you need to gather, process, analyze and validate to be compliant with several regulations and laws.
However, Compliance Manager takes the process to the next level:
Your compliance to-do list is maintained for you by the system and each task is automatically crossed off and marked complete as you go.
The system automatically collects a ton of information that you would gather manually with other tools, thereby saving you time.
Whether your compliance footprint is confined to a single site or entity, or spans across dozens or even hundreds of them, everything is managed through a single, centralized web portal.
While a single person can run a complete compliance assessment, the system allows multiple information stakeholders to directly input the information they have; and a technician, administrator and internal auditor each can participate in the process at key points.
The system automatically compares answers to questions with the information it automatically gathers and highlights exceptions when the two don’t match.
The Compliance Manager role-based platform is versatile enough to support virtually any compliance standard. Several are already built into the tool, with additional standards being added on a regular basis.
Tailor-Made to Help You Succeed
We built Compliance Manager to be highly intuitive and easy to use. But even so, this is a feature-rich robust platform performing a mission-critical service.
That’s why we offer live instructor-led training, one-on-one sessions and onboarding assistance to help you get your first deployment up and running quickly.
We also offer free unlimited technical support.
Be confident and order right away. Undergo our training and get your first site up and running in no time at all.